Look for look-a-likes. Find likeminded people. (The World of Creativity. Episode 49.)

Look for look-a-likes. Find likeminded people. (The World of Creativity. Episode 49.)

What can we learn about creativity from a central bank? Zeti Akhtar Aziz was head of the central bank of Malaysia for 16 (!) years. In this video she shares the importance of finding look-a-likes in order to be inspired to have new ideas. Since there is only one central bank in a country per definition a central bank has no-one else to turn to, except to other central banks in other countries. So Malaysia set up a MBA program to get people from central banks from around the world to fly in to Malaysia so they can all learn from each other and share ideas. Where are your look-a-likes? Where can you find your likeminded people and what can you do to get more likeminded people together who understand what you do and can help you to come up with new ideas?

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbDFDMUKW90[/embedyt]

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