Keynote Speech


It’s called “keynote” for a reason. The proper keynote speech sets the agenda for the conference, gets the delegates in the right mood and – when done right – defines the whole conference. It’s key to a successful event.

Few things are more important when organising a conference/convention and/or meeting than getting the keynote speech right.

When selecting a keynote speaker, select a speaker who is:

  • experienced enough to be comfortable in all situations.
  • knowledgeable enough to share real and relevant value.
  • and passionate enough to deliver an unforgettable experience.

Fredrik Haren is:

– Experienced. He has delivered more than 2000 speeches, from huge conferences with 10,000+ people in the audience, to small, intimate groups of VIP guests.

– Knowledgeable. Over a 20-year professional speaking career, Fredrik has met with, learnt from and interviewed thousands of business leaders from across the world. He has written ten books, hundreds of articles and created hundreds of videos with content. He constantly creates new content.

– Passionate. As a full-time keynote speaker for two decades, speaking if Fredrik’s sole focus. He has mastered the art and science of delivering a speech that is both entertaining and full of valuable content. Your audience will have fun, while they learn.

Fredrik speaks on the topics of Business Creativity, Change and Innovation, and he can tailor his speeches to a wide variety of angles from “creativity and customer service” to “how to handle rapid change”. He can deliver everything from practical speeches on how you can become more creative as a person, leader, or a team; to more strategic topics like what innovation looks like in the future or about how to create an innovative culture.

He is a truly global speaker, with examples from all over the world – suitable for your global (or international) conference. Fredrik was invited to speak in 24 different countries last year alone and has been based in Asia since 2005.

Fredrik was voted Speaker of The Year in Sweden and selected as one of the “The Best Swedish Speakers Ever”. He is a CSP (Certified Speaking Professional – one of 700 globally) as well as Global Speaking Fellow (one of only 30 globally). And he is the most recent recipient of “TIA”, given by The Global Speakers Federation and considered the highest award in the international speaking community. (It has only been given to 13 speakers globally.)


Some of the most recent clients who have booked Fredrik Haren for their conferences are:

TATA Group. (Global Conference. Top Management)

Once a year, TATA Group invites the CEO’s of all the different TATA companies to a conference. Most of the speakers are internal, but they have one or two external speakers each year. The last time they did this conference, Fredrik was one of two external keynote speakers. (The other one was the head of the Indian Space Program).

Fredrik was invited to give a speech on the value of being creative in a fast changing world.

Johnson & Johnson China.

J&J China had set aside a full day for an “Innovation workshop” for a select group of innovation ambassadors across the country. As a company famous for innovation, they constantly need to push an innovative mindset. For the opening of their workshop, they had invited Fredrik Haren to deliver an inspirational and thought provoking keynote speech to broaden the minds of the delegates, and to increase their understanding of what creativity is and how it can be developed.

Fredrik was invited to give a speech on the value of being creative in a fast changing world.

Reliance Digital India.

Reliance Digital India has seen amazing growth during the last few years and hundred’s of millions of Indians upgrade their electronics every year. Their most important event of the year is their VIP client event where Reliance Digital invites the likes of Samsung, Apple and Sony to present their achievements over the last year and to present what they have planned for the following year.

At their last client event they had one external speaker: Fredrik Haren.

Other satisfied customers include UBS, IKEA, KPMG, Global Leadership Summit, China Mobile, Ogilvy, American Express and, literally, hundreds more.

Sample keynote speech

Increase the speed of change in your organization.

In a world of rapid change, it has never been more important to be able to change quickly. Fredrik Haren has more than 20 years experience of inspiring change to audiences from all over the world, and from virtually all industries.

Book Fredrik Haren and you can feel confident that he will deliver a speech that will inspire your attendees to be more creative and think in new ways.

Watch this video to get to know Fredrik a little bit more, or even better, book a meeting (virtual or in person) to discuss how he can help you achieve the goals for your conference.

Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: +46 735504089



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