Brain Drop. (Episode 245)

Brain Drop. (Episode 245)

This morning, while driving the kids to school, I had this brilliant idea for the opening of the book I am writing at the moment – and then I forgot it…

I do not know what it’s called when that happens, but I know it is incredibly frustrating. So I decided to call it “a brain drop”, like if you suddenly and temporarily “dropped” your mind and your line of thought. And I kind of like how it sounds like “rain drop”.

Have you ever experienced “brain drop”?

Did the idea come back to you?

And: Do you find yourself going back to the very same spot where the idea came to you to see if it would come back to you… 🙂

brain drop

(n.) informal
1. A sudden lapse or disappearance of a previously realized idea or thought, often occurring before it can be fully processed or noted down, resulting in frustration or confusion.

  1. An instance of losing one’s train of thought or forgetting a momentary flash of insight.

Example: “I had the perfect concept for our new project, but I experienced a brain drop and couldn’t recall it when I got to my desk.”

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