Creative Fitness. (Episode 244)

Creative Fitness. (Episode 244)

Today I signed up for a new gym-membership. I realised I had dropped the ball on my physical training since moving to Sweden and the scale (and my kids!) were telling me to do something about it. So today I did 2 hours on the treadmill and a bunch of other exercise machines at Bosön gym. Felt great.

On the treadmill I started to think about Creative Fitness.

About how so many people drop the ball on making sure they do enough to keep their creativity in shape. To make sure they get enough inspiration. To prioritise creativity by setting aside enough time and focus for it.

To be creatively fit is perhaps the most important fitness aspect of our lives.

Are you prioritising your creative fitness?

(BTW: Treadmill is actually great, both for physical fitness and creative fitness – I got some really great ideas on it today!)



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