Creativity Is Hope for a Better World Tomorrow. (The Creativity Explorer. Episode 124)

Creativity Is Hope for a Better World Tomorrow. (The Creativity Explorer. Episode 124)

Some days back I was gifted, by a friend in Ukraine, one of the rare stamps created by Ukraine that shows a Ukrainian soldier giving the finger to the Russian warship outside Snake Island. 


The stamp was launched the day before Ukraine sank that very warship. Talk about symbolism.


Just as I opened the letter that the stamp arrived in, a huge rainbow appeared in front of our island. 


I took this picture as a symbol of a symbol.


The stamp being a symbol of creative resistance. The rainbow being a symbol of hope after dark times.


Sometimes we need creative symbols to keep the hope.


Because what is creativity, if not just hope for a better world tomorrow?


How will you use creativity to bring hope to your world?



Fredrik Haren – The Creativity Explorer

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