Creativity lesson from the children of the slums of Mumbai

Creativity lesson from the children of the slums of Mumbai

What can we learn about creativity from the children of sex-workers and trafficked children from the slums of Mumbai?

A few months ago I had the honor of meeting some amazing young women from Kranti.

I wanted to know what we could learn about creativity from people we normally would not listen to for their opinions on creativity. These girls are so smart, wise and creative. I personally love the idea of “sufferender” – it is a great lesson.

​Check it out here

We can learn from everyone and should listen to as many people as we can to get a broad and diverse perspective.

As “The Creativity Explorer” I am determined to learn as much as I can about human creativity from all kinds of people from all walks of life and from all over the world.

I am on a journey to learn from as many as I can and I am very happy to have you with me on this journey.


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