From 0 to 1 Billion views on Youtube. Learn from Alex Badan

From 0 to 1 Billion views on Youtube. Learn from Alex Badan

In this episode, I sit down with Alexandru Badan from Romania who shares the mindset that made him and his wife grow Loo Loo kids to a YouTube channel with over 1 Billion (!) views. (That is Billion with a B…)

This episode is inspiring in so many ways.

– It shows how world-class creativity can come from anywhere on the planet (They live in a second-tier Romanian city)

– It shows how humility and ambition can go great together

– It shows how important it is to challenge what success means to you today vs what it looked like yesterday. But most importantly it shows the importance of stepping out of your complacency zone! (Not your “comfort zone” but your “complacency zone”.

This interview is one of the interviews that have inspired me the most. I think it will inspire you too.

Check out LooLoo Kids’s channel at:

*** Fredrik Haren is The Creativity Explorer. For the last 20 years he has been traveling the world to learn as much as he can about human creativity. As a professional speaker on creativity and change he has been invited to speak in over 65 countries. He is the author of ten books, including “The Idea Book” which was included in “The 100 Best Business Books of All Time.”. Follow The World of Creativity with Fredrik Haren for more interviews with creative people from around the world. Remember: Creativity is not taught, it is inspired.

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