Lubopiten – The love for asking questions. (Episode 220)

Lubopiten – The love for asking questions. (Episode 220)

Today, I was interviewed (via Zoom) by Bulgarian TV about my views on creativity.

The journalist asked many good questions, and we had an interesting conversation that covered topics ranging from North Korea to mothers playing games with their children.

In the end, I asked HIM a question: “How do you say the word “curiosity” in Bulgarian?”

He replied: “Lubopiten” (Любопитен)

I asked for the word’s etymology, and he told me that the first part of the word comes from the word “love,” and the second part comes from the word “to ask questions.”

Lubopiten can be traced back to meaning “the love for asking questions,” which I think is an absolutely beautiful way of looking at curiosity.

I am glad I asked… 🙂

Ps. I think the English language needs to adopt the word “lubopiten” as a noun so it can be used like this: “He is a lubopiten – a person who has the love for asking questions.”

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