The Creativity Suite. Episode 145: Let’s Do It!

The Creativity Suite. Episode 145: Let’s Do It!

Interview with Remco van Haastrecht, VP Operations at Solar Nederland in The Netherlands.



Nike got it almost right with their iconic slogan: “Just Do It”.

But to me, the concise and beautiful message is hiding a flaw.

May I instead propose: “Let’s Do It.”

Just Do It is telling someone to do something.

Let’s Do It is inviting someone to do what needs to be done.

Just Do It is categorical. (It implies that the full sentence is “Just Do It, no matter the consequences.”)

Let’s Do It is inspirational.

Just Do It is discouraging inputs from others. (“Don’t ask questions, Just Do it.”)

Let’s Do It is convincing someone without telling them.

Just Do It is not taking the current moment into consideration. (Let’s say “do it” stands for “jump”, then it becomes “Just Jump!”)

While Let’s Do It becomes “Let’s Jump”, as in “This is the time to jump, the platform is close enough right now.”

Just Do It is individual.

Let’s Do It is collaborative.

Just Do It comes from a place of authority. (An authoritative officer, boss, coach or parent says “Just Do It.”)

Let’s Do It comes from a place of equality. (A friend, partner, colleague or teammate says “Let’s Do It.”)

Want creative things to happen?

Do not just ‘Just Do It’.

Go out to the world with the message of “Let’s Do It.”

This text was inspired by a conversation with Remco van Haastrecht, VP Operations at Solar Nederland in The Netherlands who introduced me to the idea behind “Let’s Do It” – a motto that has guided his career and life.

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